2016년 10월 22일-23일 추계 학술대회

관리자 2016.10.25 21:48 조회 수 : 318

제56회 종합학술대회

일시: 2016년 10월 22일(토) - 23일(일)

장소: The-K Hotel Seoul Convention Center

주제: Periodontal and implant therapy: Where are we?



정철웅 원장님 (Treatment strategies for implant restoration in periodontally compromised patients-periodontal & occlusal therapy in advanced periodontal disease)


기초연구 발표

이술현 선생 (Auto transplantation of teeth after long-term cryopreservation with PRP in dogs)


임상연구 발표

이현주 선생 (Clinical evaluation of root resection therapy in Mx molars; case reports)



김현주 선생 (Study on the associations between serum vitamin D level and periodontal statuts in adults aged 50years and older: Dong-gu cohort study)

문종욱 선생 (The use of enamel matrix derivative for the treatment of periodontal osseous defect)

박민지 선생 (Combined periodontal regenerative technique in patients with chronic periodontitis)

유고은 선생 (Regenerative treatment of cemental tear associated periodontal tissue destruction)



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rhwlsghkcocndgus XE1.11.6 GARDEN1.1.8