2013년 2013년 2학기

관리자 2015.09.29 18:05 조회 수 : 254

2013년 2학기 대학원 일정           
교재 A.  Periodontology 2000 Vol.62 Periodontology : past, present., perspectives           
 B.  Journal of periodontology 2013 vol.84 no.4-s       

날  짜수 업 내 용페이지수  업증  례           
9월 6일 논문계획발표  

 학위패 수여식  

9월 7일 통 합 강 의  

9월 13일APeriodontology: past, present, perspectives  7~19김아영선영곤  

 Learned and unlearned concepts in periodontal diagnostics: a 50-year perspective  20~36  

B Infection and inflammatory mechanisms 1~7이지현  

 Periodontal systemic associations: review of the evidence 8~19  

9월 14일 통 합 강 의  

9월 20일 추 석 연 휴  


9월 27일APeriodontal disease epidemiology – learned and unlearned? 37–58선영곤이지현  


BPeriodontitis and systemic diseases: a record of discussions of working group 4 of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 20~23김결  
Periodontitis and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAPWorkshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 24~29           
10월 4일  (원격강의)ALessons learned and unlearned in periodontal microbiology I 95–114김결이화선           
BPeriodontal bacterial invasion and infection: contribution to atherosclerotic pathology 30~50김아영           
10월 11일 EAO 출국   (원격강의)ALessons learned and unlearned in periodontal microbiology  II 114-132이지현김결           
B Inflammatory mechanisms linking periodontal diseases to cardiovascular diseases 51~69박소현           
10월 12일 통 합 강 의           
10월 18일 EAO ( 김옥수 교수님, 이화선, 임일구 선생)           
10월 19일 통 합 강 의           
 10월 25일 ARisk factors for periodontal disease  59–94박성휘김아영           
B The epidemiological evidence behind the association between periodontitis and incident atherosclerotic   cardiovascular disease 70~84이화선           
11월 1일중 간 고 사            
11월 8일   (원격강의)ALessons learned and unlearned in periodontal microbiology  III  133–150이화선김영태           
BEvidence that periodontal treatment improves biomarkers and CVD outcomes 85~105선영곤           
11월 15일    (원격강의)APeriodontitis: a host-mediated disruption of microbial homeostasis. Unlearning learned concepts  203~217임일구박소현           
Surgical and nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Learned and unlearned concepts 218–231           
BDiabetes and periodontal diseases: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 106~112이인석           
 Evidence that periodontal treatment improves diabetes outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis 153~163           
11월 16일통 합 강 의              
11월 22일대 한 치 주 학 회 추 계 학 술 대 회 ( 서 울 )              
11월 29일A Regenerative periodontal therapy: 30 years of lessons learned and unlearned 232–242이인석임일구           
 Periodontal self-care: evidence-based support  243–255           
BPeriodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 164~169김영태           
Adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) and periodontal disease: pathogenic mechanisms 170~180           
11월 30일통 합 강 의              
12월 6일   (원격강의)ARadiographic evaluation of modern oral implants with emphasis on crestal bone level and relevance to peri-implant health  256–270김영태박소현           
Periodontal disease and systemic illness: will the evidence ever be enough?   271–286           
BEpidemiology of association between maternal periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes – systematic review 181~194박성휘           
12월 7일통 합 강 의              
12월 13일 종강AEconomics of periodontal care: market trends, competitive forces and incentives  287–304박소현이인석           
B The effects of periodontal treatment on pregnancy outcomes 195~208임일구           
  ▷ Periodontology: past, present, perspectives (pages 719) 8              
  ▷ Learned and unlearned concepts in periodontal diagnostics: a 50-year perspective (pages 20–36) 8              
  ▷ Periodontal disease epidemiology – learned and unlearned? (pages 3758)16              
  ▷ Risk factors for periodontal disease (pages 5994)25              
  ▷ Lessons learned and unlearned in periodontal microbiology (pages 95162) 67              
  ▷ Periodontal disease immunology: ‘double indemnity’ in protecting the host (pages 163–202) 27              
  ▷ Periodontitis: a host-mediated disruption of microbial homeostasis. Unlearning learned concepts (pages 203217)  10              
  ▷ Surgical and nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Learned and unlearned concepts (pages 218–231) 8              
  ▷ Regenerative periodontal therapy: 30 years of lessons learned and unlearned (pages 232–242) 6              
  ▷ Periodontal self-care: evidence-based support (pages 243255) 10              
  ▷ Radiographic evaluation of modern oral implants with emphasis on crestal bone               
  level and relevance to peri-implant health (pages 256270) 10              
  ▷ Periodontal disease and systemic illness: will the evidence ever be enough? (pages 271–286) 9              
  ▷ Economics of periodontal care: market trends, competitive forces and incentives (pages 287–304) 15              
  ▷ Infection and inflammatory mechanisms 7              
  ▷ Periodontal systemic associations: review of the evidence 11              
  ▷ Periodontitis and systemic diseases: a record of discussions of working group 4               
  of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 3              
  ▷ Periodontitis and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: consensus report of               
  the Joint EFP/AAPWorkshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 4              
  ▷ Periodontal bacterial invasion and infection: contribution to atherosclerotic               
  pathology 20              
  ▷ Inflammatory mechanisms linking periodontal diseases to cardiovascular               
  diseases 18              
  ▷ The epidemiological evidence behind the association between periodontitis and               
  incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 14              
  ▷ Evidence that periodontal treatment improves biomarkers and CVD outcomes 20              
  ▷ Diabetes and periodontal diseases: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP               
  Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 6              
  ▷ A review of the evidence for pathogenic mechanisms that may link               
  periodontitis and diabetes 21              
  ▷ Effect of periodontal disease on diabetes: systematic review of epidemiologic               
  observational evidence 17               
  ▷ Evidence that periodontal treatment improves diabetes outcomes: a systematic               
  review and meta-analysis 10              
  ▷ Periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes: consensus report of the Joint               
  EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 5              
  ▷ Adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) and periodontal disease: pathogenic               
  mechanisms 10              
  ▷ Epidemiology of association between maternal periodontal disease and adverse               
  pregnancy outcomes – systematic review 13              
  ▷ The effects of periodontal treatment on pregnancy outcomes 13              
제목 번호 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
2013년 2학기 » 관리자 2015.09.29 254
2013년 1학기 1 관리자 2015.09.29 208
rhwlsghkcocndgus XE1.11.6 GARDEN1.1.8